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Superfund work performed by the Respondents prior to the Remedial Design / Remedial Action includes performance of the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study from June 2003 through October 2014, the Engineering Evaluation / Cost Analysis (EE/CA) issued in 2008, the Non Time-Critical Removal Action (NTCRA) for Building demolition and removal from 2011 – September 2016, and the Groundwater NTCRA from 2016 through 2019.

Detailed information and documents from the RI/FS, EE/CA, Building NTCRA, and GW NTCRA can be found on the Pre RDRA website.

NMI Site Building NTCRA 2011-2016
Included the demolition and content removal from multiple structures, which had a combined footprint of approximately 185,000 square feet.
Building C & 1,400 Ton Press
Prior to building demo, equipment and machines were dismantled and hauled off-site for disposal with building contents.
Hauling Waste for Off-site Disposal
912 trucks plus 2 tankers hauled approximately 23.5 million pounds of waste from the site for disposal at US Ecology in Idaho.
Demolition Phase 1
Included removal of “high hazard” materials; utility decommissioning; removal of chemicals; and removal of combustibles.
Demolition Phase 2
Included removal of equipment and manufacturing systems.
Demolition Phase 3
Included asbestos abatement, PCB, universal waste removal, beryllium waste removal, and filling of subsurface features.
Temporary Liner Placement
Building slabs were covered with temporary liner during Building NTCRA to prepare for RDRA.
Building Demolition Complete
NMI Superfund Site in 2016 following completion of Building NTCRA.
GW NTCRA July 2016 - Dec 2019
Included design, installation, and monitoring for the hydraulic capture of 1,4-dioxane and VOC plumes in overburden and shallow bedrock GW in NTCRA area.
Temporary GW Treatment System
Operated from 05.2017-04.2019, maintaining the hydraulic containment while the permanent treatment system was constructed.
Groundwater Treatment Building
The Groundwater NTCRA concluded with the construction and operation of the Treatment Building and start of RDRA.